Charles Warner

Local Liberal Democrat candidate for Soham North Learn more

Why CHARLES WARNER should be our next councillor

by Gareth Wilson on 24 May, 2014

CHARLES WARNER has been a resident of Soham for 43 years, working as a professional director in both private and public companies.
In recent years Charles has played an increasingly active role in
the community of Soham, helping to
Ÿ protect its past
Ÿ improve its present, and
Ÿ develop its future.

Soham past, present and future: Charles Warner writes …


I am chairman of Soham Heritage and Tourism, promoting Soham and its heritage through public events and exhibitions.


I am a member and trustee of Soham Town Forum. We try to deal with residents’ concerns, improve the town, and ensure development is appropriate with adequate amenities.


I am secretary of Soham (The Thrift) Community Land Trust. We are looking to provide quality affordable rented housing for people who work and live in Soham. The people of Soham will be able to become members of the trust (The Thrift) which will be able to have some influence and control over what is built and who it is for.


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